A demoparty.
Haga, Norway
fri 20. - sun 22. Nov 2009
How much?
25€ at the door / 20€ in advance


Partners and sponsors:

ARM logo Romerike Bredbånd logo untergrund.net banner

General rules for all compos:

  • All Entries must be delivered over the party-net. Some compos require physical media, but such entries must still be registered on the party web and delivered physically to the compo crew.
  • All entries need to come with a FILE_ID.DIZ (44*11) file with a short description of the release.
  • All entries need to come with a readme file describing the release and if needed instructions for running the entry.
  • All competitions have a "no-go" limit. If there are too few submissions in one competition,the competition will be combined with another competition.
  • If an entry requires user interaction, let the compocrew know by writing it in the organizer info-field on the online contribution submission form.
  • Media containing compoentries will not be returned by default. If you really need the media back, contact the compo crew.
  • Deadlines are not very flexible. Due to a lot of problems when showing the compos at previous KGs we now need to be strict with the deadlines. If you want the compos to run smooth you got to give us some time to prepare, it's as simple as that.
  • If you have an entry for a platform we don't accept by default, contact the compo-crew and we'll try to arrange something. Contact information can be found on the contact page.
  • The compocrew reserve the right to disqualify entries that are too unserious, boring, bad, disgusting or with racist, pornographic, violent, disturbing or otherwise illegal content. In fact the compocrew reserve the right to disqualify entries for any reason they find reasonable.
  • As always, we reserve the right to change any rule at any time. For any reason. Even this rule if we feel like it.

Remote submissions

  • We do accept submissions over e-mail, but in order to get a prize, you'll need a representative at the party-place. We won't send any prizes by snailmail.
  • Please contact the compo-crew as soon as possible if you plan to have a remote entry. Contact information can be found on the contact page.
  • As said, let us know of your submission before the party starts - and be ready to deliver the final entry before Thursday 19. November 19:00 CET.

General rules for Amiga entries:

  • All entries must be installable on harddisk.
  • All entries must work on the Amiga compo hardware (or in emulator, if we can't get a working Amiga this year).
  • PPC are not supported, unless you bring a working PPC compomachine yourself and notice the compo-crew in GOOD time.
  • Setpatch will be run, oxypatcher on request.
  • Allowed compressors: LHA or LZX.
  • All entries must do a clean exit back to the OS when the left mouse button is clicked.

General rules for Windows entries:

  • All entries must work on the compo-machine.
  • Demos and intros for PC must work in Windows XP with the latest non-beta DirectX and drivers. No DOS or Linux allowed.
  • Allowed compressors: ZIP or RAR
  • All entries must do a clean exit back to the Windows when ESC is pressed.

General rules for entries on other platforms (Atari, Linux, OSX, GBA etc):

  • You bring your own hardware, or preconfigured emulator that runs on the compo machine for Windows demos (see upwards).
  • If you bring your own hardware, be prepared to turn it over to the compo organizers in good time before compo show (this will probably mean "right after deadline")
  • Make sure that your hardware outputs something we can actually connect to the projector. The projector is an Epson TWP700, do your own research.
  • If you are a linux user, please make sure that your video output actually works (no, really).

Combined demo:

  • Allowed platforms: PC and Amiga.
  • Maximum uncompressed size: 30 MB (31457280 bytes).
  • System requirements: Must work on the compomachine.
  • Demos will be shown for maximum 5 minutes (shorter if it's very bad, longer if it's very very good).
  • No-go-limit: 2 entries plus one submission of Rob is Jarig, or else we'll combine this with the 64k intro competition.

C64 Demo compo:

  • Maximum size: one 5 1/4" disk

64k Intro:

  • Allowed platforms: PC and Amiga.
  • Maximum uncompressed size: 64 kB (65536 bytes).
  • Intros will be shown for maximum 5 minutes (shorter if it's very bad, longer if it's very very good).
  • No-go-limit: 3 entries, or else we'll combine this with the respective demo competitions and/or the 4k intro competition.

4k Intro:

  • Allowed platforms: PC and Amiga.
  • Maximum uncompressed size: 4 kB (4096 bytes).
  • Intros will be shown for maximum 5 minutes (shorter if it's very bad, longer if it's very very good).
  • Using included data from the host os is encouraged, since it seems to make certain intros (especially those named after american states) awesome.
  • No-go-limit: 2 entries, or else we'll combine this with the respective demo competitions and/or the 64k intro competition.

Dance music:

  • Allowed file formats: MP3 and OGG.
  • Entries will be played for max 4 minutes using foobar2000.
  • No-go-limit: 2 entries, or else we'll combine this with the 32k music executable compo.

32k executable music:

  • Allowed platforms: PC, Amiga, Atari, C64.
  • Maximum size: 32 kB (32768 bytes).
  • Your entry may run on any of the computers we have available as compo hardware (Bring your own Atari, frequent!).
  • Entries will be played for max 4 minutes.
  • No-go-limit: 2 entries, or else we'll combine this with the high quality music compo.

Gabber music

  • Make the audience's ears bleed!
  • Allowed file formats: MP3 and OGG.
  • Entries will be played for max 3 minutes using foobar2000.
  • No-go-limit: 2 entries, or else we'll combine this with the 32k music executable compo.

Wild demo:

  • We don't want bad/sick homevideos, skating videos or jackass clones but instead more computer related material like animations etc. If you DO deliver any of the above, we will make Slummy stab you. TWICE.
  • To avoid alot of hassle this year and make the entries easier available for download after KG we want as many entries as possible to be delivered in one of these formats: vcd, svcd, divx or xvid. If your entry cannot be made into any of these then concact the compocrew in advance. We do NOT allow VHS tapes this year at all.
  • Entries will be shown for maximum 5 minutes (shorter if it's very bad, longer if it's very very good).


  • Maximum resolution: 1024x7681280x720 in 24bit
  • 3 "progress steps" must be delivered accompanying the picture.
  • 1 "signed" and one "unsigned" version must be delivered.
  • Any technique applicable - photo-retouches are better entered to the photo-compo though.
  • Allowed file format: PNG or JPG
  • Entries will be shown using XNView.

Photo compo (Thanks BP :)

  • Max resolution is 1024x7681280x720 in 24bit.
  • You have to be the artist behind the photo.
  • Select interesting motives. Focus in the compo is composition, lighting and atmosphere.
  • You are allowed to retouch, but no drastic changes. If you're unsure, you'll most likely need to contact us.
  • Include the original photo, without any changes.
  • Do anything you want, but keep all kinds of paint outside.
  • We will hunt you down and kill you if you don't obey rule #1.

Surprise compos:

  • Leia makes you do silly things.
  • You obey.
  • The audience laughs.